Why should you call HEMON RAMONEUR

Not just a chimney sweeping...

Cleaning the chimney flue is only one part of the service I provide, since the certified chimney sweeper has also a duty of advice. Such as:

-Text message to remind you of your appointment on the day of appointment,
-Quick sight inspection upon arrival. Implementation of all means necessary to protect the room where the chimney sweeping will take place to avoid any type of contamination.
-Manual chimney sweeping of the chimney flue.
-Further cleaning of the heating chamber and radiating surfaces to maximize the yield of the generator.
-Inspection and cleaning of the entire anatomy of the chimney area (= including air vents, electronic blowers, etc...),
-Report of service included in your certificate
-Advice and recommendations derived from the different elements witnessed while inspecting and cleaning.


The chimney sweeping action must be done by a professional  manually ( and not chemically with products) Calling HEMON RAMONEUR means the guarantee of a well done job according the highest standards of law and recommendation of the state which will dramatically decrease all type of fire and intoxication risks
Calling HEMON RAMONEUR also means the safety and peace of mind thanks to the 2 type of insurance contract that I have :
-responsabilité civil pro (Sweeping insurance) 
-assurance décennale (which insure your building for the following 10 years in case of any type of modification I would do on your place to make it in accordance to the law)

Saving money 

Chimney sweeping is the best way to keep the efficiency of your fire place
Indeed, only 1mm of soot means a of 7% of efficiency. (which can go up to 10% according to the amount of soot)

(1mm de suies sur les parois du générateur se traduit par une baisse du rendement de 7%)


By removing all the soot and ash from the chimney channel, you reduce as well the amount of pollution that comes out of your house (since your combustion will be improved, there is less particles coming out of the chimney

The law

quotes from RSDT (règlement sanitaire département type) : 

- Les conduits de fumée habituellement en fonctionnement et desservant des locaux d'habitation et des locaux professionnels annexes doivent être ramonés deux fois par an, dont une fois pendant la période d'utilisation.

In other words : Chimneys must be sweep twice a year, including one time during the season of use. 

Here is a link RSDT : https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/loda/article_lc/LEGIARTI000006363881

A personal investment

I've been working for years in the building trade and renovation buisiness thanks to a life of travels. Being a welder and a mechanic as well, I decided to create my own chimney sweeping company which benefit greatly from my previous work experience. An overall understanding of the building reinforced by the knowledge that comes with science of smoke we learn in order to become certified. Tho this idea all started with an event that could have been catastrophic for my family. A chimney fire.

That's the day I realized the importance of a well done chimney sweeping and how tough it is to find a reliable one that does not only clean, but also is able to explain in great details the reasons why things happen.
This is also why I created this company. To bring to the people someone that give a quality service in a domain where safety should not be an option.

Le ramonage a une importance capitale pour protéger le patrimoine de toute une vie ainsi que les utilisateurs. C'est pour ces raisons que j'ai décidé de créer cette entreprise, pour proposer des prestations qualitatives et professionnelles à tous mes clients.